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Bicycle mechanic: High hourly wages and short days

Does it sound good to get a high hourly wage and have short working days? So read on

The company is run according to the principles of co-determination, democracy and that hard work should also be fun. We have a boss, but he is mostly our secretary. When work becomes too hard and stressful, we close and go to the spa instead. We look after each other and the customer is not always right.


Buddha Bikes is both an independent workshop, a social economic enterprise and a club house for us 13 employees and the many friends of the house. It lies on the border between KBH Ø and NW. Here we have fun!


Cykelven is the name of our outbound repair service. We drive out to larger workplaces in vans that are large enough to work inside and which are set up as a workshop. Here we make bikes for busy commuters in agreement with the workplace.


We are looking for a skilled bicycle mechanic. Driving license as well as a certain amount of professional experience is a requirement. Hobby experience does not count. Applicants without experience as a professional bicycle mechanic will not be considered.


In Cykelven, you get peace and very little customer contact - you have the people for that. You become the lifeline for busy commuters who feel you are saving their lives when you change the bike's tube. It is a very rewarding job.

Other days we need more help in our permanent workshop. Here you will never assemble cardboard box bikes, make web orders or other assembly line work. We restore customers' bikes and build bikes for resale based on used bikes. You rarely get customers who want fork service made, but in return you may be allowed to weld and melt a bottom bracket liquid.

- flexible working hours and colleagues who step in when you need it

- Possibly a better pay than you get now!

- Pension, health insurance, beer and water scheme, lunch scheme, company parties etc
- A boss you can say no to, spend time with, and who knows very well that he cannot do without us.

- A good work ethic. The rest of us make an effort, and we don't want a colleague who does not.
- A good professional level. We will not check your work, so for the sake of the customers it is important that you deliver

To start with, write to our boss at and convince him that you are a skilled bicycle mechanic.



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